Winning Retail Business
in the Digital era

Retailers need more than a good deal to make a sale and keep loyal customers coming back. A winning position requires superior strategy, attractive merchandising, efficient operations, targeted marketing, a robust organization, and reliable technology.

Every brand is a promise. And like any promise, brands attract and excite us; they capture our hearts and minds; they give us a glimpse of a better life. But most importantly, brands create tangible value. They are a retailer’s most powerful connection to the outside world. Brands enable retailers to form deep and lasting attachments to customers and potential employees, and even investors, that translate into higher sales, stable profi ts, superior capabilities, and above-average stock market performance.

Mission Means’s Retail Practice  work with retailers across all areas of the retail value chain. In the past years, we have supported clients in many engagements. Our consultants work in close partnership with client executives and pass on expertise by building skills and capabilities.



 Improving the bottom line through lean retailing, optimized sourcing, best practice supply chain management, and efficient store operations.


Creating tangible value for shoppers by optimizing the marketing mix based on a deep understanding of their needs and values.


Getting ready for sustainable success by building robust organizations, superior skills, and smooth change management processes.


To help clients stay at the leading edge, we have built advanced expertise and capabilities in the biggest opportunity areas in retail today. It takes three elements to build and sustain a strong brand in retail: art, science, and craft


The art is about endowing the brand with a relevant, credible, and unique value proposition that is up-to-date, consistent, and executed in a creative way.


The science is about understanding and measuring relevant consumer needs, as well as the performance of the brand in the targeted customer segments.


The craft is about managing the brand rigorously in all its individual aspects
throughout the organization and across all customer touch points.



Building enterprise-wide capabilities to drive and sustain a step change in Organizational Health and Performance


Building enterprise-wide capabilities to drive and sustain a step change in Organizational Health and Performance


Boosting Marketing return on Investement

This series of digital courses is designed to mold high-performing general managers. Courses center around crucial topics such as strategy, problem solving, communication, and team management.

Smarter Schedules, better budgets

This series of digital courses is designed to mold high-performing general managers. Courses center around crucial topics such as strategy, problem solving, communication, and team management.

Boosting Delivery Speed

This series of digital courses is designed to mold high-performing general managers. Courses center around crucial topics such as strategy, problem solving, communication, and team management.

Building distribution Channel network

This series of digital courses is designed to mold high-performing general managers. Courses center around crucial topics such as strategy, problem solving, communication, and team management.

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